Houston Trial Attorney Specializing in Animal Law Cases
Zandra has handled numerous dog law cases, but has also worked with owners of cats, horses, ferrets, birds, monkeys, lemurs and has even consulted on an elephant matter.
- Ownership/Custody Disputes
- Veterinary Liability
- Injury to & Loss of Pet
- Civil Cruelty Seizures
- Criminal Cruelty
- Dangerous Dog Declarations
- Rescue Organization Issues
- Civil Dog Bite/Attack Issues
- Criminal Dog Bite/Attack Issues
- Home Owner Association (HOA) issues regarding pet ownership
- Animal Professional Liability (kennel operators, pet sitters, pet trainers, etc.)
- Contract Issues (Adoption, Breeder, Co-Ownerships)
- Kennel Club/Dog Club Issues
- Breed Specific Legislation
Expert Representation for Animals and Their Owners
- Trial Attorney: Handles complex cases from inception through filing suit, pretrial discovery, verdict at trial or settlement.
- Representation: Represents individuals, rescue organizations, animal professionals, and breeders on animal law matters.
- Advocate in Texas Legislature and local governments for preventing Breed Specific Legislation and promoting reasonable laws for dogs and other animals. Zandra is available as to assist lobbying efforts on state and local issues.
- Guest Speaker, Expert Witness and Media Source on legal and current issues concerning dogs and other animals, and responsible dog ownership.
- Advocate at State and Local levels for fair dog, cat, and other animal laws
- Consultant to Local Governments regarding Animal Laws
- Consultant to Rescue Organizations
- Breed Ambassadors: Zandra's dogs, Zeus and Zena, have made television appearances and appeared in print media. They are available for media appearances and both have their AKC titles as Canine Good Citizens.
- Read more about Zandra's experience